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Leading the way in water quality management

Operator Quizzes

Clear Waters Magazine offers an Operator Quiz in each issue to help those pursuing certification prepare for the ABC wastewater operator test. The quizzes are designed for all operators (not only those seeking certification) to test their knowledge with questions from a different process of wastewater treatment in each issue.

Over 40 tests from past issues are below for your convenience. Good luck!

Operator Quiz 142 – Biosolids

Operaror Quiz 141 – Safety

Operaror Quiz 140 – Grit Removal

Operaror Quiz 139 – Digestion

Operaror Quiz 138 – Activated Sludge Microbiology

Operaror Quiz 137 – Math

Operaror Quiz 136 – Maintenance

Operaror Quiz 135 – Wastewater Characteristics

Operaror Quiz 134 – Wastewater Characteristics

Operaror Quiz 133 – Odors

Operaror Quiz 132 – Chlorination

Operaror Quiz 131 – Certification, Training and Operations

Operaror Quiz 130 – Administrative Duties

Operaror Quiz 129 – Operator Safety in the Workplace

Operaror Quiz 129A – Secondary Treatment

Operaror Quiz 128 – Pumping Safety

Operaror Quiz 127 – Activated Sludge

Operaror Quiz 126 – Health and Safety 

Operaror Quiz 125 – Potluck

Operaror Quiz 124 – Process Troubleshooting

Operaror Quiz 123 – Basic Conversion Factors, Digester Gas

Operaror Quiz 122 – Aeration

Operaror Quiz 121 – Math Math Math

Operaror Quiz 120 – Operation Questions

Operaror Quiz 119 – Definitions & Process Troubleshooting

Operaror Quiz 118 – Pumps

Operaror Quiz 117 – Mean Cell Residence Time

Operaror Quiz 116 – Definitions

Operaror Quiz 114 – Activated Sludge, Etc.

Operaror Quiz 113A – Nutrient Removal

Operaror Quiz 113B – Potpourri

Operaror Quiz 112 – Digesters

Operaror Quiz 111 – Disinfection

Operaror Quiz 110 – Rotating Biological Contactor 

Operaror Quiz 109 – Primary / Preliminary Treatment

Operaror Quiz 108 – Laboratory

Operaror Quiz 107 – Formula Exam

Operaror Quiz 106 – Pumps, Equipment and Safety 

Operaror Quiz 105 – Wastewater Potpourri 

Operaror Quiz 104 – Anaerobic Digestion

Operaror Quiz 103 – Biological Treatment

Operaror Quiz 102 – Biological Treatment

Operaror Quiz 101 – Mathematics