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Protecting Public Health and the Environment

Leading the way in water quality management

Privacy Policy

Privacy​ Statement for Our Website: https://nywea.org.


Our Intent

NYWEA is committed to protecting your privacy, as a member of NYWEA or as a non-member visitor to this website. This statement is intended to disclose how NYWEA uses its Internet presence to gather and disseminate information. It is also intended to invite your questions or comments on any privacy issues of concern to you. This disclosure is intended to help you to make maximum productive and informed use of this website. The Internet is a powerful tool, which NYWEA is committed to using effectively and responsibly.​


Guiding Principles

NYWEA is guided by an overall educational mission statement, a list of objectives, a vision statement and a list of organizational values, which together make an overall statement that we are proud to live by. Click Here to Read Them​. This mission guides the operation of this website.


Member Information

When members join NYWEA, they provide the association with certain information about themselves. Non-members who make purchases from NYWEA, attend conferences or otherwise transact business with NYWEA also share some identifying information. Some of this information, which might include your name, as well as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and NYWEA membership number, is placed in a database that is an internal part of this Website. The database is used to:

Assist the site itself to identify members of NYWEA for access to members-only functions,

Assist NYWEA staff and officers communicate official business of the association with the members, and

Facilitate appropriate communications between members themselves and between members and NYWEA staff on a number of different issues.

Transactions conducted through the NYWEA website will result in the storage of the data submitted during those transactions.


Your Private Membership ID

Most of your transactions with NYWEA will call for you to use your unique membership ID. It will never be displayed on this site for anyone else to see. (Exception: Once you have logged in to a members-only function, the site will record your number, and may be enabled in some cases to use it to help you fill out forms, but only until you leave the site on that same visit. If you return later, you will have to enter your number again to identify yourself before that feature can work for you again.) If you do not remember your membership ID, please follow membership prompts or contact NYWEA to obtain it.


Who Sees What?

Private member information is accessible only to appropriate NYWEA staff and to those members and consultants who are entrusted to administer this website. Each time these persons access the database, they must agree to respect the privacy of the data found there.​


Credit Card Information

Credit card numbers and other information used to complete a financial transaction submitted through this website are transmitted in secure encrypted form via Stripe. Non-Stripe transactions are processed by NYWEA staff.​


Monitoring How Well the Site Works, and How it is Used

As a part of its ongoing operation, this website records certain information about how the site is used, for the purpose of monitoring that use and improving the functionality of the site by and for NYWEA members. The data collected includes, but is not limited to the origins of all visits to the site, including the referring domain and URL, IP address and machine identity of the visitor, where available; the activities of all visitors while on the site; and information about the use and function of the site itself, intended to help monitor its effectiveness and performance.



Records known as “cookies” are delivered from this website to your browser for the purpose of identifying you and making repeat functions more simple and quick, in hopes of enhancing your experience using the site. If you do not wish to allow us to deliver the information necessary for this function to your browser, you can set an option in your browser program to disable its ability to accept cookies from any site. 



Periodically, NYWEA will send email messages to you as a part of the general membership or as a part of another group. In every case, you have the option to notify NYWEA if you do not wish to receive similar group email distributions in the future. Options to discontinue future mailings will typically be included within the body of any such message sent.


An Email Address is not Required to Use This Site

While the use of email offers tremendous advantages in the sharing of information that is central to the mission of NYWEA, the association does not require you to have or share email addresses or receive email to enjoy the benefits of membership or the essential benefits of visiting the website. However, in order to access the members-only section, you will have to supply an email address. You may indicate that this email address is not to be displayed or used for group emails, if you wish. See the immediately preceding paragraph, marked “email.”


Website Links

This website contains links to other sites. NYWEA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites. NYWEA local chapters maintain the content of their own portions of this site or, in the case of the Genesee Valley Chapter, they maintain and host their site independently. Local Chapters are required to abide by all the principals and requirements of this privacy policy. Links on the local Chapter sites and to all other sites outside NYWEA are provided solely as a service to NYWEA members and visitors. If you discover a problem with a site that is linked to this Website, please notify NYWEA immediately at [email protected].



NYWEA does not sell, trade, rent or give any of the information collected through the website or email list to other organizations, companies or individuals, except as may be necessary to complete an individual transaction that you have specifically requested and authorized.


Using Message Boards Means Going Public

This site may from time to time make message boards or similar publicly posted message displays available to its users, either directly on this site or through links to other sites. Please remember that any information you choose to disclose in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise reasonable caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. You should be aware that posting to any message board might result in your name and email address being acquired by other parties. Message board posts may also be accessed as the result of a Web search. If you’re going to post it comments, please understand it can be accessed by anyone using the internet.


Questions and Comments

Please direct questions regarding this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, the practices of the email list or your dealings with the email list to [email protected]​.