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Leading the way in water quality management


All renewal packages must be mailed to NYWEA via the US Postal Service or an express delivery service.  Emailed or faxed application packages are not accepted.  

Important Notice: Renewal Fee Increase, Late Fee Addition Effective September 1, 2023

​NYWEA announced a necessary change in the Operator Certification Application Fee effective Sept. 1, 2023.  Since the transition of the program from NYS DEC to NYWEA in 2011, this fee has not changed.  The exam application fee, formerly $150, is now $195. Renewal submissions either incomplete or post-marked on or after a certificate’s expiration date are subject to a $50 late fee.   

NYWEA’s exam application fee is separate from the $112 exam fee that is paid to PSI, the test administrator that administers the ABC exams. Operators who retake an exam do not need to reapply to NYWEA; they are responsible only for the $112 PSI exam fee. 

Online PaymentClick Here


For those who do not wish to mail a check, exam application fees can be paid online. Please make sure to choose the Credit Card Online payment option when finalizing payment. Once completed, you will receive email confirmation that your payment has been processed along with a link to a downloadable PDF paid invoice for your records.

​Wastewater Certification ​Renewal Form

 NYSDEC Pre-Approved Courses for Wastewater Operator Recertification 


Wastewater Certification ​Renewal – Q & A

How long is my operator certificate valid?

6 NYCRR Part 650 states that your operator certificate is valid for a period of five (5) years.

What are the renewal requirements?

During the five-year period which preceeds the expiration date of your certificate, you must complete a minimum number of contact hours of NYSDEC-approved training related to the field of wastewater treatment.  Only the most recent five (5) years of training will be considered for renewal.  The number of contact hours you need depends upon the Grade of your certificate:

  • Grades 1 &1A: 20 hours​​
  • Grades 2 & 2A: 40 hours
  • Grades 3 & 3A: 60 hours
  • Grades 4 & 4A: 80 hours

For renewal of your certificate, you do not need to be working at a wastewater treatment plant.​​

What happens if I do not get the minimum training contact hours or if I do not file an Application for Renewal of Certificate?

Your certificate has an expiration date.  If you do not renew your certificate by the expiration date, your certificate will expire, and the certificate is no longer valid – you are not certified!   You have one year from the date of expiration to reinstate your certificate through the renewal process.  Only training that  you have completed within five (5) years of the date NYWEA receives your renewal submission will be allowed.  

To reinstate a certificate that is expired for more than one year, you will need to complete the renewal training requirements,   pay the $205 certificate renewal application fee and a $50 late fee.  You then will be authorized to re-take the Association of Boards Certification (ABC) exam for your Grade certificate.  You must pass the exam to reinstate your certificate.

What kind of training is eligibile for renewal contact hours?

The  training must be relevant to the operation, maintenance or management of a wastewater treatment facility.  Some examples include: operations, maintenance, management, laboratory, safety & first aid, collection systems, process control, mathematics, biology and chemistry.  In addition to NYSDEC-sponsored seminars, training provided by other government agencies, colleges and universities, NYWEA and other professional associations, equipment vendors, consultants, or in-plant training may be eligible. 

How can I find out if a course I plan to take has been approved by NYSDEC for renewal contact hours?

The  best way is to check the training notice or ask the course sponsor/provider for the NYSDEC course approval number (RTC number).  The RTC number is assigned by NYSDEC to courses which have been approved for renewal contact hours.  RTC numbers are unique to the the content, date, location and contact hours of a course.    

Here is a list of home study and online courses that are “pre-approved” by the NYSDEC for renewal training hours.  RTC numbers do not apply. ​NYSDEC Approved Home Study and Online Courses 

Does NYSDEC need to approve the training before I can take it?

NYSDEC approv​al is not needed before you attend any training program.  The training can be approved for contact hours before or after you attend the training.  However, all training used for meeting the renewal requirements must be approved by NYSDEC.

EPA often notes the following in regard to its webinars: “EPA’s webinars are not pre-approved for CEUs. This is contingent on state and/or organization requirements—EPA cannot guarantee acceptance. Discuss eligibility of continuing education credits with your state’s specific certification authority.”  Are EPA webinars accepted for wastewater renewal training credit?

DEC will not award renewal training credit until after the training is completed and the operator receives their certificate of completion issues with their name, the course name, the date of the training, and the number of hours. However, prior to the training, operators may email [email protected] to inquire whether the content of a webinar would meet DEC requirements. The operator is responsible for providing enough information about the training to allow DEC to make that assessment. 

If an an operator has already taken the training, they may request renewal training credits, but DEC does not guarantee that credits will be awarded. The operator will need to provide their completion certificate and enough information about the webinar for DEC to reasonably assess whether the webinar meets DEC requirements, including how attendance and participation are verified, the number of credits, and whether the webinar is related to the operation, maintenance or management of a wastewater treatment facility.  This request for approval must be emailed to [email protected]

How does a course sponsor/provider obtain approval from the NYSDEC for renewal contact hours?

Please visit the NYSDEC Website for Instructions

When should I submit my application for renewal?

You can submit your application any time after you accumulate the minimum renewal training contact hours within your five (5) year renewal period.  Since you can’t “bank” your hours in excess of the minimum, it may be best for you to apply for renewal as soon as you reach the minimum hours required for the certificate Grade.  Note, the next five (5) year renewal period does not begin until your current certificate expires. 

Who do I contact if I have questions?  

Contact Operator Certification Administrator Carolyn Steinhauer at 315-422-7811, ext. 4 or via email at [email protected]

Renewal Application Form 

Renewal Training Resources

RTC Approval


  • Contact Operator Certification Administrator Carolyn Steinhauer at 315-422-7811 x 4 or via email at [email protected]