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Protecting Public Health and the Environment

Leading the way in water quality management


Networking Opportunities

NYWEA activities allow members to establish contacts within their communities, and ask for counsel and advice on work situations in the water environment field. Attending Association functions can provide members with career opportunities.

You’ll benefit personally and professionally by joining the NYWEA:

  • By keeping current on technical developments
  • By keeping current on regulatory developments
  • By networking with like professionals
  • Gain Sales and Marketing Contacts by advertising, exhibiting and one-on-one contacts
  • Enhance relationships with regulatory agencies, and their personnel
  • Create opportunities to make a contribution to more effective water environment activities
  • Take advantage of opportunities for publication in WEF/NYWEA magazines and journals
  • Learn and practice leadership by becoming an officer, serve on state and local boards, committees, etc.
  • Opportunities to present papers at chapter and statewide meetings.
  • Social interaction with all environmental professionals involved
  • Opportunities for continuing and advanced education (operator recertification)
  • Support by people engaged in like activities
  • Gain professional recognition and personal development


The goals of the NYWEA are:

  • To support effective water quality management programs at the national, state and local levels.
  • To promote public knowledge of the technical, economic, social and organizational issues of water quality management.
  • To provide educational and career opportunities for water quality professionals through conferences, workshops and publications.
  • To advance scientific knowledge of water quality management through encouragement and support of research and special studies.
  • To promote the proper design, operation and maintenance of wastewater collection and treatment facilities through personnel development, technical research, case studies, networking and mutual assistance.
  • To promote the recognition and support of municipal officials for proper facility operation and maintenance.
  • To provide information on laws and regulations affecting the water environment to local elected officials, legislative bodies and our membership.

Our Members

Members include civil, design and environmental engineers; biologists, chemists, local and state government officials, treatment plant managers and operators, laboratory technicians, students, professors, lawyers, environmental scientists, equipment manufacturers and distributors.

Privacy Policy

Our Intent

NYWEA is committed to protecting your privacy, as a member of NYWEA or as a non-member visitor to this Web site. This statement is intended to disclose how NYWEA uses its Internet presence to gather and disseminate information. It is also intended to invite your questions or comments on any privacy issues of concern to you. The Internet is a powerful tool, which NYWEA is committed to using effectively and responsibly.

Member information

When members join NYWEA, they provide the association with certain information about themselves. Paid membership runs for 12 months with a two month grace period. After that, records are transferred to delinquent status. Non-members who make purchases from NYWEA, attend conferences or otherwise transact business with NYWEA also share some identifying information. Some of this information, which might include your name, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, employer identification and NYWEA membership number, is placed in a database that is an internal part of this Web site. The database is used to:

  • help the site itself identify members of NYWEA for access to members-only functions,
  • help NYWEA staff and officers communicate official business of the association with the members, and
  • facilitate appropriate communications between members themselves and between members and NYWEA staff.

Transactions conducted through the Web site also results in the storage of the data submitted during those transactions.

Your private membership number

Most of your transactions with NYWEA will call for you to use your unique membership number. That number will never be displayed on this site for anyone else to see. (Exception: Once you have logged in to a members-only function, the site will record your number, and may be enabled in some cases to use it to help you fill out forms, but only until you leave the site on that same visit. If you return later, you will have to enter your number again to identify yourself before that feature can work for you again.) If you do not remember your membership number, please contact NYWEA to obtain it.

Refund Policy

Written cancellation notice is required, and must be received at least 15 days prior to the conference date. A $25 service fee shall be retained on all cancellations. No refunds shall be given for cancellations made less than 15 days prior to any conference.

We will NOT sell your data to anyone

NYWEA does not sell, rent, trade or give any of the information collected through the Web site or e-mail list to other organizations, companies or individuals, except as may be necessary to complete an individual transaction that you have specifically requested and authorized.

Credit card information

Credit card numbers and other information used to complete a financial transaction submitted through this Web site are transmitted in secure encrypted form using SSL 1,024-bit encryption technology, authenticated by Comodo, a leading global provider of Internet trust services. Transactions are processed by NYWEA staff.

Questions and Comments

Please direct questions regarding this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, the practices of the e-mail list or your dealings with the e-mail list to the NYWEA office at [email protected]