Compliance Recognition Awards
Looking to recognize your organization’s 2024 SPDES Permit compliance?!
Follow these instructions:
1) Save and complete the following application: Compliance Recognition Award Application
2) Email the completed application to [email protected] by March 28th, 2025.
The Water Environment Association, Genesee Valley Chapter Industrial Issues Committee annually recognizes industries with excellent environmental compliance for water. Applications are accepted through March 28th for the preceding calendar year. This recognition symbolizes the successful achievements of a company’s commitment by its employees to consistently meet wastewater discharge compliance. Industries applying for this award must:
Be members of the New York Water Environment Association Genesee Valley Chapter (at least one employee member) OR a non-member and attended 3 of 6 Industrial Issues Committee meetings in the application year. First time applicants for this award that did not meet either criteria in the reporting year may still receive a compliance award but will be expected to meet one of the membership criteria in the following year.
Be permitted by the local publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and/or New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for Water. The permit must contain environmental monitoring limits (“Action Levels” and “Monitoring Only” are not considered limits). Submit copy of permit monitoring requirements with application.
Not be in significant non-compliance with POTW Water Discharge Permit and/or NYSDEC SPDES Permit
The Compliance Recognition Award is given for greater than 98 % compliance with all POTW and SPDES permitted discharge requirements for a full calendar year, in the following categories: