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Protecting Public Health and the Environment

Leading the way in water quality management

Education & Outreach

In alignment with President Derrigan’s focus on mentoring, NYWEA is pleased to announce A Match Made in Water, a mentor matching program to connect our members who are interested in being a mentee or mentor. Mentorship is more important than ever due to workforce challenges and it needs to happen at all levels to help retain staff, elevate young operators, and entice students to join and remain in our industry. Mentoring provides a pathway for connecting with others, fostering diversity/inclusion, elevating essential workers, as well as helping our future water heroes grow and remain committed to the wastewater industry. Mentoring also aligns with several of NYWEA’s strategic plan drivers, such as supporting and diversifying a sustainable workforce and long-term organizational health.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please use the links below to fill out the applicable questionnaire. NYWEA will review the questionnaires received and use the information to connect a mentee with a mentor.1 This program is for all NYWEA members whether you’re an operator, engineer, consultant, regulator, manufacturer’s representative, university faculty or student. We hope you will consider mentoring a future water hero.

*Please note this information will only be used by NYWEA staff for the purposes of connecting mentors and mentees.  

Mentor Questionnaire

Mentee Questionnaire



Public Outreach Committee

NYWEA’s Public Outreach Committee helps identify opportunities and provide resources to educate its members and the general public about water resources and the water environment. NYWEA will serve the best interest of the public by promoting sustainable clean water quality management through science, education and training.

​Other Public Outreach Documents:

Value of Water Brochure​

Water’s Worth It



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