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Protecting Public Health and the Environment

Leading the way in water quality management

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

NYWEA DE&I Committee’s 2022 In Review & 2023 Goals (PDF)​ 

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee’s Mission is to have NYWEA members be more reflective of society today. The  Committee will work to further opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the water quality industry by growing the level of engagement through NYWEA State and Chapter events that support student and young professional participation. The goal is to give exposure to water quality careers and leadership opportunities to underrepresented populations. ​


Diversity encompasses the varying experiences, strengths, skills, perspectives, personal characteristics, cultures, and backgrounds represented by and within the NYWEA/WEF community.


A commitment to equity means an environment where everyone has the opportunity and access to realize their full potential, and no-one is disadvantaged because of their group identity or other socially determined circumstance.


The act of inclusion embraces and celebrates the perspectives, voices, values, and needs of each individual to generate a culture where all feel heard, respected, valued, and included in the broader NYWEA/WEF purpose.

Tess Clark
, Chair
SU-Environmental Finance Center, Syracuse, NY

Stephanie Sánchez, Vice Chair
Arcadis, New York, NY


  • Walt Walker (Past Chair)
  • ​Michelle Hess (Past Vice Chair)
  • Clement Chung
  • Cristen Crew
  • Regina Harris
  • Danielle Hurley
  • Jamie Johnson
  • Namita Joshua
  • Kristina Macro
  • Nadia Mugisha
  • Madison Quinn
  • Stephen Sanders
  • Noelle Sawicki
​The 6 charges of the committee include:
  • ​Increase diversity of NYWEA’s membership and the water quality profession.
  • Communicate the professional value of diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Integrating water quality professionals and interested students of underrepresented backgrounds and disciplines, and facilitating inclusive spaces and conversations.
  • Create a collaborative approach mindset, moving beyond short-term transactional relationships to promoting interactive, collaborative, and long-lasting relationships.
  • Support growth, development, and inspiration of youth, for an inclusive future workforce.
  • Encourage inclusion of all individuals in the water quality industry making sure they have equal access opportunities and resources to contribute to the organization’s success.
  • The guiding vision of the Diversity, Equity,​ and Inclusion Committee is representation of progress toward an equitable future in our communities through the water quality industry, incorporating and appreciating the unique experiences and challenges we all face.

DEI Statement from NYWEA’s Board of Directors

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) created a series of downloadable fact sheets in PDF to help frame the DEI conversation and provide additional context and insights into different aspects of DE&I.